Business, Baseball and Inspiration

Including the ongoing efforts of the Workforce Partnership, the Sidney City Schools are actively engaged in making current students more employable while also considering careers that don't require college. A shining example and success story for current students will enter the district's Hall of Honor on Friday, April 20, 2018, when Mike Herbert (SHS/JVS 1985) is joined by Raeburn E. Barnes (SHS 1892), Ardiss Willman Luce (SHS 1967), and Richard R. Rediske (SHS 1970) to raise Hall membership to 127. The foursome will be inducted in a 7pm auditorium ceremony followed by a gymnasium reception with both events fully open to the public.

"Inspiring current students" is a major platform of the Sidney City Schools Hall of Honor Mission Statement. Mike's selection is in keeping with that mission.

Nominators Tom Clark and Mitch Hoying sought to recognize Sidney grads who had learned a trade that led to owning a successful local business, while also providing ongoing support to SHS athletics and other school district causes. Mike Herbert is their first such nominee and they say others will follow. As Athletic Director, Hoying has worked closely with Herbert. "Mike's a baseball guy who's spent countless hours with both Sidney Amateur Baseball and our own program that now includes middle school. He's logged a ton of hours on our tractor." Hoying offered. "He has even helped out when his own boys weren't involved."

Mike enjoyed working on cars as a youth and decided it could become a career, enrolling in auto mechanics at the former Joint Vocational School in Piqua. He then went to work and eventually purchased the business that became Sidney Auto Tech at Fair and Millcreek near I-75 ( Solid growth has followed and he's hired many young mechanics in search of a career just like he once was.

Away from business, Herbert has become a staunch advocate for those afflicted with Parkinson's disease. He and his wife Shannon (Owens, SHS 1988) have three children. Mike Herbert is the first member of the 1985 graduating class to join the Hall of Honor.